Thursday, May 22, 2008

My Crush on the man from Blue Springs, MO

david cook">So yes I am blogging about American Idol. Yes I like to watch the show. No you don't have to read this...there are other blogs. *smiles sweetly*. So anyway, I have picked this guy to win since the very beginning. I don't think I've done that with any of the other AI shows. Usually I pick a couple of favorites and just wait to see what happens. But this guy here...this guy...*sighs*...won me over during hollywood week. There was something about his presence and his voice that just made!! Even on his off times he still impressed me, go figure. Yeah Yeah so I am *cough cough* older and married and have a son that is 8 years younger than him. so what??? I can look and appreciate talent when I see and hear it, right?? Right???!! oh go away...:-P

Not to say that the other David isn't good. He is..I liked his voice too. Just didn't think he was versatile enough for anyone to want to buy his music. He's all ballad, that's it. But there is no denying that Archuleta is a powerhouse!!! Good luck to him...he'll get a contract because he's now gotten the AI exposure.

Side note: That Amanda chick looked like she was soooo unhappy to be there. How she made it to the final 12 is beyond me. Alexandrea Lushington should have been. *wink wink* to the hometown girl.....

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