Wednesday, May 7, 2008

My cautious baby step into the world of blogging

well here I go.....ooop oooop...I think I can do it. It's alittle wobbly. Maybe I need something to hold on to? Hopefully eventually some other experienced bloggers will come see me, come put their hands in mine and lead me for alittle while. who knows?

I read blogs all the time. Well, I read three specific ones every day.

Occasionally I will read others, if I am really really really bored at work (yes this topic will be broached in another blog REAL soon).

It's actually inspiring to read these blogs for the most part. To look inside another person's world and see that they have the same issues, wishes, cares, hopes, troubles, rants, pet peeves, you do.

Hopefully with my baby steps and as the time grows long, I too will be able to inspire. but baby steps steps.

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