1. I've never broken a bone. (knock wood)
2. I won second place in my elementary school's spelling bee when I was in 3rd or 4th grade.
3. I have ran into a volleyball net. Most embarrassing moment of my 7th grade career.
4. I met my husband when we worked together at a credit union in Tampa, Florida.
5. Our new car is named Ruby.
6. I am still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up.
7. I was born to a teenage momma. She was 16.
8. My grandmother and I have a birthmark almost in the same spot on our right calf.
9. I have an addiction to Starbuck's mocha frappuccinos. You know the ones in a bottle you can buy at the store.
10. My grandmother raised two wild birds. A mourning dove named June and a mocking bird named Teet. When Teet was released back into the wild, he would come back and sing to us whenever we were sitting out in the screened-in porch.
11. I secretly want to move back to Florida.
12. I really really really wanted to be a Mouseketeer. This was back in the 1970's.
13. My first concert was Shaun Cassidy. Da doo run run run...da doo run run.
14. I love boiled peanuts.
15. I can talk like Donald Duck.
16. I still want to get my tattoo. :-(
17. English was my favorite subject in school. Most hated: Math.
18. I wanted to be a marine biologist when I was in high school.
19. I took tap/ballet, baton & piano lessons as a child. Yeah I was ADD before anyone knew what it was.
20. I was kind of a tomboy, wanting to follow my step brother around. So I climbed trees, helped build forts, played tag football and ran around barefoot alot.
21. I love being out on a boat, sailing through open water.
22. I will never go white water rafting again after being sucked out of my buoy boat into a rapid.
23. Our current cat was named Carly until we found out she was actually a he. His name is now Harley.
24. I was teased alot for being very fair skinned. Was called Casper. I lived in Florida. Yeah doesn't go together well.....
25. I love ferrets. I've owned three: Holly, Bear & Punkie have all passed over the Rainbow Bridge. :-) I cannot bring myself to own anymore.